Celebrating Emma Kirkby
Mozart: Vesperae solennes de confessore in C, K.339: 3. Beatus vir qui timet Dominum - Emma Kirkby&Catherine Robbin&John Mark Ainsley&Michael George&Winchester Cathedral Choir&Winchester College Quiristers&Academy Of Ancient Music&Christopher Hogwood
Mozart: Vesperae solennes de confessore in C, K.339: 6. Magnificat anima mea - Emma Kirkby&Catherine Robbin&John Mark Ainsley&Michael George&Winchester College Quiristers&Winchester Cathedral Choir&Academy Of Ancient Music&Christopher Hogwood
Mozart: Exsultate, jubilate, K. 165: I. Exsultate, jubilate. Allegro - Emma Kirkby&Academy Of Ancient Music&Christopher Hogwood
Monteverdi: Madrigals, Book 7: Con che soavità, SV 139 - Emma Kirkby&The Consort Of Musicke&Anthony Rooley
Vivaldi: Nulla in mundo pax, RV 630: 2. Blande colore...3. Spirat anguis inter flores - Emma Kirkby&Academy Of Ancient Music&Christopher Hogwood
Monteverdi: Madrigals, Book 7: Parlo miser o taccio, SV 136 - Emma Kirkby&Judith Nelson&David Thomas&The Consort Of Musicke&Anthony Rooley
Pergolesi: Stabat Mater, P. 77: IX. Duet. Sancta mater - Emma Kirkby&James Bowman&Academy Of Ancient Music&Christopher Hogwood
Handel: Athalia, HWV 52 / Act 1: "Blooming virgins, spotless train" - Emma Kirkby&Academy Of Ancient Music&Christopher Hogwood
Purcell: The Fairy Queen, Z.629 / Act 3: "Ye Gentle Spirits Of The Air" - Emma Kirkby&Anthony Rooley
"Quel fior che all'alba ride" (Duetto XV) , HWV 192 - Emma Kirkby&Judith Nelson&Susan Sheppard&Christopher Hogwood
Monteverdi: Madrigals, Book 7: Ohimè dove il mio ben, SV 140 - Emma Kirkby&Judith Nelson&The Consort Of Musicke&Anthony Rooley
Haydn: The Creation, Hob. XXI:2, Pt. 1: No. 8, Aria. With Verdure Clad the Fields Appear (Sung in English) - Emma Kirkby&Academy Of Ancient Music&Christopher Hogwood
Vivaldi: Cantata "Amor Hai Vinto" RV 651: 3. In qual strano...4. Se a me rivolge il ciglio - Emma Kirkby&Academy Of Ancient Music&Christopher Hogwood
Handel: Alexander's Feast, HWV.75 / Part 1: "War, He Sung, Is Toil And Trouble" - Emma Kirkby&Academy Of Ancient Music&Christopher Hogwood
Handel: "Mi palpita il cor", HWV 132: Ho tanti affanni in petto - Emma Kirkby&Academy Of Ancient Music&Christopher Hogwood
Handel: Orlando, HWV 31 / Act 2: Se mi rivolgo al prato - Emma Kirkby&Academy Of Ancient Music&Christopher Hogwood
Handel: "Tu Fedel? Tu Costante?", HWV 171: Cento belle ami, Fileno - Emma Kirkby&Academy Of Ancient Music&Christopher Hogwood
D'India: Odi quel rosignuolo - Emma Kirkby&Anthony Rooley&Trevor Jones
Se tu non lasci amore, HWV 201 - Emma Kirkby&Judith Nelson&David Thomas&Susan Sheppard&Christopher Hogwood
J.S. Bach: Schweigt stille, plaudert nicht, BWV 211 "Coffee Cantata": Aria: "Ei! Wie schmeckt der Kaffee süße" - Emma Kirkby&David Thomas&Academy Of Ancient Music&Christopher Hogwood
Vivaldi: Cantata "Amor Hai Vinto" RV 651: 1. Amor, hai vinto...2. Passo di pena in pena - Emma Kirkby&Academy Of Ancient Music&Christopher Hogwood
Ergo interest – Quaere superna, K. 143 - Emma Kirkby&Academy Of Ancient Music&Christopher Hogwood
Mozart: Zaide, K.344 / Act 2: "Trostlos schluchzet Philomele" - Emma Kirkby&Academy Of Ancient Music&Christopher Hogwood
Mozart: Zaide, K.344 / Act 1: "Ruhe sanft, mein holdes Leben" - Emma Kirkby&Academy Of Ancient Music&Christopher Hogwood
Handel: Messiah / Part 1: "Thus Saith The Lord...But Who May Abide" - Emma Kirkby&Academy Of Ancient Music&Christopher Hogwood
Handel: Messiah, HWV 56 / Pt. 1: "Thus Saith The Lord...But Who May Abide" - Emma Kirkby&Academy Of Ancient Music&Christopher Hogwood
Dowland: Second Booke of Songes, 1600: 1. I Saw My Ladye Weepe - Emma Kirkby&Anthony Rooley
Handel: La Resurrezione (1708) , HWV47 / Parte Prima: "Disserratevi, o porte d'Averno" - Emma Kirkby&Academy Of Ancient Music&Christopher Hogwood
Handel: "Tra le fiamme", HWV 170: Tra le fiamme tu scherzi pergioco - Emma Kirkby&Academy Of Ancient Music&Christopher Hogwood
"No, di voi non vuo' fidarmi" (Duetto XVI) , HWV 189 - Emma Kirkby&Judith Nelson&Susan Sheppard&Christopher Hogwood
Mozart: Exsultate, jubilate, K. 165: III. Tu virginum corona - Emma Kirkby&Academy Of Ancient Music&Christopher Hogwood
Handel: Alcina, HWV 34 / Act 3: Credete al mio dolore - Emma Kirkby&Academy Of Ancient Music&Christopher Hogwood
Handel: Alceste, HWV 45: Come Fancy - Emma Kirkby&Academy Of Ancient Music&Christopher Hogwood
J.S. Bach: Mer hahn en neue Oberkeet, BWV 212 "Peasant Cantata": Aria: "Klein-Zschocher müsse so zart und süße" - Recit. "Das ist zu klug vor dich" - Emma Kirkby&David Thomas&Academy Of Ancient Music&Christopher Hogwood
Handel: Athalia, HWV 52 / Act 1: "Faithful cares in vain extended" - Emma Kirkby&Academy Of Ancient Music&Christopher Hogwood
J.S. Bach: Mer hahn en neue Oberkeet, BWV 212 "Peasant Cantata": Aria: "Dein Wachstum sei feste" - Duet Recit. "Und damit sei es auch genug" - Emma Kirkby&David Thomas&Academy Of Ancient Music&Christopher Hogwood
Purcell: Don Quixote: From rosy bowers - Emma Kirkby&Academy Of Ancient Music&Christopher Hogwood
J.S. Bach: "O holder Tag, erwünschte Zeit" Cantata, BWV 210: 2. "Spielet, ihr beseelten Lieder" - Emma Kirkby&Academy Of Ancient Music&Christopher Hogwood
Mozart: Il re pastore, K.208 / Act 2: "L'amerò, sarò costante" - Emma Kirkby&Christopher Hirons&Academy Of Ancient Music&Christopher Hogwood
Mozart: Mass in C, K.317 "Coronation": 6. Agnus Dei - Emma Kirkby&Catherine Robbin&John Mark Ainsley&Michael George&Winchester College Quiristers&Winchester Cathedral Choir&Academy Of Ancient Music&Christopher Hogwood
Mozart: Requiem in D minor, K.626: Recordare, Jesu pie - Emma Kirkby&Carolyn Watkinson&Anthony Rolfe Johnson&David Thomas&Academy Of Ancient Music&Christopher Hogwood
G. Gabrieli: Symphoniae Sacrae II, 1615: Magnificat a 14 - Emma Kirkby&Martyn Hill&Nigel Rogers&Taverner Choir&London Cornett & Sackbut Ensemble&Andrew Parrott
Mozart: Il re pastore, K.208 / Act 1: "Aer tranquillo" - Emma Kirkby&Academy Of Ancient Music&Christopher Hogwood
"Voi avete un cor fedele", K.217 - Emma Kirkby&Academy Of Ancient Music&Christopher Hogwood
Mozart: Mass in C, K.317 "Coronation": 3. Credo - Emma Kirkby&Catherine Robbin&John Mark Ainsley&Michael George&Winchester College Quiristers&Winchester Cathedral Choir&Academy Of Ancient Music&Christopher Hogwood
Purcell: The Fairy Queen, Z.629 / Part 3: The Sweet Passion: "O Let Me Weep, For Ever Weep" - Emma Kirkby&Anthony Rooley&Richard Campbell&Catherine Mackintosh
Arne: Rosamunde: Rise, Glory, Rise - Emma Kirkby&Academy Of Ancient Music&Christopher Hogwood
Handel: Athalia, HWV 52 / Act 2: "Cease thy anguish, smile once more" - Emma Kirkby&James Bowman&Academy Of Ancient Music&Christopher Hogwood
J.S. Bach: "Weichet nur, betrübte Schatten" Cantata, BWV 202 - "Wedding Cantata": 1. "Weichet nur, betrübte Schatten" - Emma Kirkby&Academy Of Ancient Music&Christopher Hogwood
Haydn: The Creation, Hob. XXI:2, Pt. 2: No. 18, Trio. Most Beautiful Appear – No. 19, Trio & Chorus. The Lord Is Great (Sung in English) - Emma Kirkby&Anthony Rolfe Johnson&Michael George&Choir of New College Oxford&academy of ancient music chorus&Academy Of Ancient Music&Christopher Hogwood
"Tacete, Ohimè, Tacete!" (Duetto X) , HWV 196 - Emma Kirkby&David Thomas&Susan Sheppard&Christopher Hogwood
J.S. Bach: Schweigt stille, plaudert nicht, BWV 211 "Coffee Cantata": Aria: "Heute noch, lieber Vater" - Emma Kirkby&Rogers Covey-Crump&David Thomas&Academy Of Ancient Music&Christopher Hogwood
Haydn: The Creation, Hob. XXI:2, Pt. 2: No. 15, Aria. On Mighty Pens Uplifted Soars The Eagle (Sung in English) - Emma Kirkby&Academy Of Ancient Music&Christopher Hogwood
Handel: Alceste, HWV 45: Gentle Morpheus - Emma Kirkby&Academy Of Ancient Music&Christopher Hogwood
J.S. Bach: Cantata "Ich habe genug" BWV 82: 3. Aria: Schlummert ein, ihr matten Augen - Emma Kirkby&Academy Of Ancient Music&Christopher Hogwood
Lampe: Dione (1732) : Pretty Warblers - Emma Kirkby&Academy Of Ancient Music&Christopher Hogwood
Haydn: The Creation, Hob. XXI:2, Pt. 3: No. 32, Duet. Graceful Consort! (Sung in English) - Emma Kirkby&Michael George&Academy Of Ancient Music&Christopher Hogwood
Haydn: The Creation, Hob. XXI:2, Pt. 2: No. 26, 27, 28, Achieved Is the Glorious Work (Sung in English) - Emma Kirkby&Anthony Rolfe Johnson&Michael George&Choir of New College Oxford&academy of ancient music chorus&Academy Of Ancient Music&Christopher Hogwood
Handel: Athalia, HWV 52 / Act 2: "Through the land so lovely blooming" - Emma Kirkby&Academy Of Ancient Music&Christopher Hogwood
"Ch'io mi scordi di te... Non temer, amato bene", K.505 - Emma Kirkby&Steven Lubin&Academy Of Ancient Music&Christopher Hogwood
F. Couperin: Trois Leçons de Ténèbres: Troisième Leçon à deux voix - Emma Kirkby&Christopher Hogwood&Jane Ryan&Judith Nelson
"Ah, lo previdi...Ah, t'invola agl'occhi miei", K.272 - Emma Kirkby&Academy Of Ancient Music&Christopher Hogwood
Handel: L'Allegro, Il Penseroso ed Il Moderato, HWV 55: "Sweet Bird, That Shun'st The Noise Of Folly" - Emma Kirkby&Academy Of Ancient Music&Christopher Hogwood
Mozart: Regina caeli in C Major, K. 108: I. Regina caeli laetare – II. Quia quem meruisti – III. Ora pro nobis – IV. Alleluia - Emma Kirkby&Westminster Cathedral Boys Choir&academy of ancient music chorus&Christopher Hogwood&Academy Of Ancient Music