Mihalis Safras turns slightly towards Hi-Energy as it was executed in perfection by genius Bobby Orlando. Sure Mihalis keeps his new Trapez ltd track „Alba“ techno but uses these catchy appegiator sounds that give it a rush of adrenaline, what we are so grateful for. A big track from the Greek Adonis. Simone Tavazzi instead kicks out the old school influences in his „Alba“ remix and puts an emphasis on the modern techno groove with swing programming, hence carries a funky note fuelled with down pitched vocals. This production is grand and leaves no eye dry as we say here. “Eva” in the original version sounds like a New York house classic with psychedelic vocals and nice ups and down keeping a good pace. This track holds no fancy stunts or crazy sounds for the sake of it, it is rather a peppermint cool track. Mihalis is the best when he dictates the tempo as he does here and this makes the track 100% authentic. Wehbba’s remix of “Eva” is at times more lightweight and almost moody with nice filter automations but keeps some surprises coming fitting perfect to Mihalis original. “Talk” in style refers to ”Alba” with 80ies references such as a sequence that could have been written by bands such as Liaison Dangereuse or DAF. Dirty Disco in a superb way from Mihalis! Martin Patino has done a wonderful relaxed and funky house remix that we imagine will do very well with the new community of house lovers.