Prepare for new growth

Shine Forever, the first regular album repackage release

'Education is the end of the school,' said that there is no end to learning. The Monster X, which had a beautiful bloom through the growing pains, is preparing for a new growth path for the brilliant future with its regular 1st album repackage album 'Shine Forever'.

From May 2016 to March 2017, Monster X has been telling a story of growth in the 2.5-part project 'The Clan' series for about a year. 'Part. 1 Lost 'painful process of realizing the inner pain of the boys who painted' Part. 2 Guilty 'and found the value of innocence in a story against the absurd world. The long-awaited first full-length album, "Part 2.5 Beautiful," showed a powerful step to protect the beauty of the value it found. The Monster X represented the souls that were so wounded, and kept the pure value that they found and made the fruits of their growth.

The Monster X, which has kept its beauty, is now the time to shine brilliantly. Monster X is looking for a light of hope with its repackage album 'Shine Forever'. Like a traveler looking for a path on the backdrop of a dark night sky and a solitary polarity, Monster X does not release a cord of hope to find the light, even if it gets lost. Endless learning and aspiration for growth.

On the repackage album, two new songs, "Shine Forever" and "Gravity," were newly added to the existing album. The title song 'Shine Forever' is a dance song composed by LIShi, STEREO14, BiNTAGE, written and composed by Jung Heon and I.M, and combined with Future Bass and Hip-Hop elements. "I want to be in the light forever" expresses the strong and romantic love method of Monster X. It coincides with the growth storytelling of Monster X, which is going towards the light. The song that starts with a spell is intensified toward the end and burns the will to grow.
'Gravity' is an Urban Dance genre, composed by Zoombass Music Group RE: ONE, Davey Nate, Mafly, Jung Heon and I.M. The minimalist composition and lyrical melody are impressive, and Gravity 's contrast to the' Shine Forever 'shows the excellent leveling of the Monster X.

The perfect finish adds a beautiful finish. At the same time, we are ready for new growth. The young boy, Monster X, was a mature young man who sang hope. Their growth storytelling is more authentic because it has proven itself with the results that support growth. Monster X is opening another start of the growth story with 'Shine Forever' and foreshadowing a brighter future.


