To Be Honest
지금이라도 솔직해지려해
willowforest - @willowforest614
Reo @z_the_revolutionist
Dot Nol @noldotcom
Qero @qero_official
Lyrics by Reo, Dot Nol, willowforest
Composed by willowforest, Reo, Dot Nol
Arranged by willowforest, Reo, Jounery, eL
Vocal by Reo, Dot Nol
Chorus by Reo, Dot Nol, KalPa
Synthesizer by willowforest, Reo
Bass by willowforest, Reo
Drum Programming by willowforest, Reo, Jounery, eL
Midi Programming by willowforest, Reo
Mixed by Reo
Mastered by eL