Rund um das Brandenburger Tor: Musik von Paul Lincke

Rund um das Brandenburger Tor: Musik von Paul Lincke

Paul Lincke was the man who wrote Berlin's inofficial city hymn: For more then 120 years the "Air of Berlin" has been praised in the refrain "Das ist die Berliner Luft, Luft, Luft ..." Paul Lincke's music is indeed the entire joyful athmosphere of the German capital set into music. You can't separate Lincke's work from the city he loved so dearly (although he started his career in Paris, at the Folies Bergere). Listening to this new album does not mean just one ear catcher, here we have inded 12 of them. If you have heard this music you want to visit this city because you want to know what's all about this thing , the thing called "Berliner Luft" - "The Air of Berlin"!
