Ever After: Tree of Life

Ever After: Tree of Life

17 songs by 17 artists. Tree of Life is the first release of The Ever After Project. We asked artists from the Netherlands and abroad to provide a song, either especially written for Tree of Life, a rare version of one of their songs or a song that has a special meaning for them.

With this album we want to celebrate life in general and more specifically, to be grateful for the beautiful moments we all have and see around us, every day again! All proceeds will be donated to the Dutch Liver Patients Association (NLV).

With The Ever After Project we wish to support various charity organizations by combining the beauty and power of music with a good cause. The Ever After Project finds her muse and inspiration in Imara Illayda.

Producer: Demet Köysüren

Mixing & mastering:
Mixing song 5 & 7: Michel Ebben
Mastering song 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 13, 15 & 17: Michel Ebben

All other songs are provided by the artists, their record label, their management or representative.

Copyright & ownership: all copyright of the song
