Outer South
男巫去年的作品刚发行不久,今年又耐不住性子与他的乐队The Mystic Valley Band在美国texas表演起了新专辑Outer South中的歌曲。继去年那张以Conor Oberst命名的作品后,这次与The Mystic Valley Band是第2次的携手合作,不知道他是不是已经嫌弃了“Bright Eyes”这个让他成名的字眼。上张专辑似乎已经让这个喜欢对着政治喷火的男人消退了不少,而过去的煽动情节似乎也在慢慢被磨灭,其实我觉得这是好事,对于我们来说,喜欢的也许就是他那激情而又新鲜的声音,仅仅停留在嗓音以及旋律中或许也是一种释放,而轻快的Country Rock又是那么的怡然自得,贴近人心。当然我们还是值得为这位有勇气的艺人起立鼓掌。
Conor Oberst and The Mystic Valley Band release their brand new album on Spunk. The album, titled Outer South, was recorded at Sonic Ranch Studios in Tornillio, outside El Paso, Texas in November/December and features the same talented group of musicians as were present on last year's acclaimed Conor Oberst album. The Mystic Valley Band are Taylor Hollingsworth, Nik Freitas, Macey Taylor, Nathaniel Walcott and Jason Boesel. Outer South is a 16-track album featuring songs written by Oberst, Jason Boesel, Nik Freitas, and Taylor Hollingsworth, some of which were part of the live show from late last year