疯狂金车(Herbie Fully Loaded)
人见人爱的万能金龟车重出江湖!迪士尼电影推出全新经典《金龟车贺比》电影,请到同样人见人爱的青春少女林赛·罗韩与贺比搭档演出,将带给新一代的电影观众全新的金龟车贺比上山下海的冒险故事! 《金龟车贺比》女主角玛姬·佩顿就是这辆编号五十三号的人性化金龟车“贺比”的新主人。这回贺比拿出浑身解数一路跟玛姬从马路上到Nascar赛场,成为Nascar赛场上首次出赛的金龟车,同时也带给观众一段惊险刺激的冒险故事。 玛姬·佩顿来自一个赛车世家,对赛车的爱好自小植根于玛姬的血液之中,但是为了保护玛姬,父亲却成为她圆梦的障碍。当玛姬大学毕业,父亲送给玛姬一部报废的金龟车作为毕业礼物,开始了一段奇妙的经历。玛姬原本已经准备接下ESPN体育播报的工作,会思考的金龟车贺比却改变了玛姬的命运!Editorial ReviewsAmazon.comJust when you thought you could finally say goodbye to Lionel Richie’s "Hello," this and other vintage pop comes roaring up in Herbie: Fully Loaded, the soundtrack to the Lindsay Lohan flick in which the world-famous Volkswagen bug meets NASCAR. Thematically speaking, the CD is perfect; just as the movie teams a modern-day star with a Disney classic, the album offers up a gaggle of pretty young things (The Donnas , Josh Gracin, Mark McGrath of Sugar Ray fame, Lohan herself) to belt out classic rock. Herbie the soundtrack is no critic’s darling, but it’s not without its highlights. McGrath does a good job with the sunny Beach Boys hit "Getcha Back," while Ingram Hill’s rendition of "More Than a Feeling" may prove irresistible--that is if your heart is open to super hits of the ‘70s. In the end, the soundtrack, like the movie (and NASCAR itself) are the same thing: pop culture that parents and kids can enjoy together. --Leah Weathersby