Work That M.F.

Work That M.F.

"Wrong track! Let´s get to the real thing, Sucker. Yeah, and the next time, you´ll think about it."

Like the previous editions, this third publication in the Dancer series by Pauli Steinbach, Sascha Dive and Patrick Kunkel does not deal with trivialities either. After all, what would Booty House and Chicago Acidtrax have been without the amply known mantra ‚Work that Motherfucker’? It would have been one less powerful vocal. Apart from that, ‚Work that Motherfucker ‘ throws around open HiHats and stringently modulated 303 lines so forcefully that the listener recollects immediately and comfortably the best days of DJ Pierre’s Wild Pitch series.

The Dancers stay true to themselves again; above all hangs the hedonistic spirit of the early disco era when people exhausted themselves with a broad smile on the dance floor. Pauli and Sascha’s acid dream remix then pushes the set pieces into starkly darker basement worlds, but the acid chirps so consciousness expanding, that it is a true joy!
