Sometimes it takes a second album to really bring it all the way home. Ask Bruce Springsteen. Same thing for Brian Wright. And make no mistake: Bluebird is music that says something is really going on here, way beyond what everyone else in alt-country or whatever goofy name you want to call it is doing. Maybe that's because Wright is past categories, firing away on so many inspired cylinders that he's creating his own niche, like all the greats do. He recorded this album in North Hollywood in three days, and was smart enough to realize he didn't need another. There are songs here that inspire wonder, and make you realize that just because the media is writing off the music business as a sinking ship doesn't mean there aren't passionate people out there gambling their lives on the sound they hear in their heads and hearts. For Brian Wright, that means a soulicious mix of rock, country, folk and the undefinable, which is always a dead giveaway we're in the presence of someone ready to put his name up on the board in big letters. Watch him. --Bill Bentley - Studio City Sun
Product Description
Influenced by folkers, anti-folkers, punkers, rollers and recommended if you like Bob Dylan, Neil Young, Johnny Cash, Willie Nelson, The Boss, The Stanley Brothers, Don Williams. 1 Over and Again 2 Morning Cigarettes 3 Former Queen of Spain 4 Mrs. Rosenthal 5 High School Drugs 6 Boy with No Name 7 Sophia 8 Your Brother the Poet 9 Glory Hallelujah 10 Adeline 11 Central Park 12 War on Wilcox 13 Bluebird 14 Neighborhood