Loftie Grooves EP

Loftie Grooves EP

Press Release

Label: Illegal Alien Records
Artist(s): Submerge
Remixer(s): N/A
Album/Single: Loftie Grooves EP
Track(s): Boystown on Broadview, Cermak, Lakestreet Search
Genre: Techno
Format: MP3/WAV
Catalogue Number: IAR139
Release Date: March 2 of 2015

Catalog IAR139 belongs to Chicago's own Submerge. Submerge it's no stranger on Illegal Alien Records he already has done remixes and singles on the label but now this is his very first EP on Illegal Alien Records and we are very proud to present you his brand new work "Loftie Grooves EP", this is a very special release for him, the three tracker it's inspired of his Chicago roots, definitely another massive release from Submerge where he proves once again why he is one of the most respectable Techno artist in the world.
