Vika Vu EP
Everything in life ,should have a path directioned to the finishline that we want to reach.So in the end we can say ' Vika Vu'
Saint Evo was the guy that followed that quote,and Seres Producoes have the honor to present to everyone his recent 'VIKA VU EP'
Vika Vu is a phrase from the indeginous language of the Kamba tribe in Kenya, meaning in English is Get There or Getting There.
The phrase Vika Vu in this context means a song that talks about one following their dream and achieving it, regardless of what people around them may think.
The Vika Vu EP consists of two tracks, namely, Vika Vu & On My Way Home, featuring the sultry vocals of the First Lady Of Equatorial House, Inami.