I fell asleep listening to Release Me with my V Moda Headphones. I was in the middle of the Roman Coliseum with Russell Crowe and Scipio Africanus. Together we fought lions, Jedi’s, and Sith Lords, nothing could stop us. Then suddenly, Caesar Agustus said to us both, “You have but one final foe; RELEASE THE DRAGON”. Suddenly we look up to the sky, hands over our eyes as the sun turned into an eclipse as this dragon came upon us, blinding us. We see the Charmandar Tattoo, we knew we were doomed. Nothing could defeat that monster.
Then Russell Crowe looks to me and says, "Do it, NOW!” I cast my hand to the sky and scream, “DO YOU HEAR THE PEOPLE SING!”
The Stadium crowd looks at one another, “SINGING THE SONG OF ANGRY MEN!"
Russel Crowe morphs into Javert. He stares at the Charmandar Tattoo, and it turns to dust. Then I awoke to my bed, nod my head and look at the time. I say to myself, “Crowe, you never let me down. Good one old chap."