Twisted Circles

Twisted Circles

Dave Nash slashes through the brush in order to drop off his second Tulipa sacrifice, Twisted Circles. This latest musical meandering includes the title track, along with Socialism Theory, and Do It Like That, all of which are hypnotic bombs ready for detonation. Dave is a producer who masters the art of fusing functional groove, clarity, and drive. Once the Twisted Circles release lands at the front gates of the gardens, the spirit entities approach and offer an invitation to enter Tulipa. The music is absorbed into the flowerbeds and the tulips suddenly glow under the soft evening sky.

Planting vinegar-flavored hair implants. Unfortunate cook played the cards he was dealt. Coated with just the right amount of sap. Daring heater. Trekking across frozen plains to reach the haunted igloo. Calloused elbow needs the grease. The sinner rode the elevator and hit on the stewardess. Pentagram radio only displays military time. Pressure squeezed the ideas out of my head. Puzzling sandcastle. Valiant player of wretched games. A beehive of fragrant memories. Nobody is home once the sunlight streams in. Dusty lamb. Fooled by love; executed by lust. Virgin blade struck the heart.

2015 Tulipa Recordings
Artwork by Justin Chodzko
Words by Summer (Brendon Collins)
