4 Years Of Carypla
In Aprill 2016 Carypla Records will be celebrating its fourth anniversary. So many wonderful moments behind us! We'd like to send our thanks to our artists, friends - our big family who have helped us make our own little history by contributing their work and effort. It is only the beginning, though, as we're gonna surprise you with our new wonderful projects that are sure to occupy a considerable space in your heart! We are growing stronger every day and our heads are filled with new ideas all the time. We want you to listen to and feel the music that comes straight from the heart. Thank you so much for your great work! Dassto [previously known as DeepElephant]. Credits: '4 Years of Carypla' is a compilation featuring such international artists as 1. Alessandro Giordano - Leucemia (Original Mix) Produced & Arranged by Alessandro Giordano 2. BraDa - SpaceCake (Original Mix) Produced & Arranged by Paul Bosten 3. Bubble Pop - Clinamen (Original Mix) Produced & Arranged by Daniel Martinez Moreno 4. Destroy - 99% (Original Mix) Produced & Arranged by Patryk Sadowski 5. DisLike - Interview (Original Mix) Produced & Arranged by Remco Geerts 6. DJ Datz - Since (Original Mix) Produced & Arranged by Dario Mazzola 7. Giampi Spinelli - Victolic (Original Mix ) Produced & Arranged by Giampietro Antonio Franco Spinelli 8. Giuseppe Sileno - New Moon (Original Mix) Produced & Arranged by Giuseppe Sileno 9. Joseph V - Number One (Original Mix) Produced & Arranged by Giuseppe Paolillo 10. Maximilain - Alien (Original Mix) Produced & Arranged by Massiniliano Schetto 11. Migue Boy - Heaven (Original Mix) Produced & Arranged by Miguel Mederos Gutierrez 12. Mr. Snooze - Chin Up (Original Mix) Produced & Arranged by Tobias Bleick 13. Noysik - Way Out (Original Mix) Produced & Arranged by Daniel Pasaro Muriana 14. Pakito S. - Spectre (Original Mix) Produced & Arranged by Pasquale Giordano 15. Robert Mash Tomcik - And We Still Do Not Know (Original Mix) Produced & Arranged by Robert Tomcik 16. Robertos - Universe (Original Mix) Produced & Arranged by Robert Hill 17. Sam Wolff & Sima feat. Kayka - Electric (Original Mix) Produced & Arranged by Samuel Wolff, Radoslaw Kausa All Vocals Performed by Kaja Lubczynska 18. Seashore - Oxford (Original Mix) Produced & Arranged by Jose Angel Romero Ruiz 19. Sergio Gusto - I Wish I Will (Original Mix) Produced & Arranged by Sergey Milkovsky 20. Simone Ska - Struktur (Original Mix) Produced & Arranged by Simone Pizzo http://facebook.com/caryplarecords