The Connection EP

The Connection EP

The music of Aura Dub can be quite an enchanted place. The tracks of his The Connection EP reinforce this presumption. Inside are wonderful electronic musings, predestinated for hopelessly getting lost. With his melodies, this talented artist, sets emotional priorities. Fragments of his voice are smartly installed. Deeply laid-back rhythms frame the multilayering atmospheres. The track 'My Love' leads the way and gives rise to a pleasurably floating experience. Hereafter 'The Legend' is flowing very close to the heart centre. The third track, 'Smells Like a Virgin', is the most expected track, is even more lost in reverie and manifests tech house emotions on a trip far outside with its beats and the whopping wafting tones. This track was included in the CD "Fabric 80" Mixed by Joseph Capriati.
