Important Notice

Important Notice

Before ... Mark and Kartika,
the meantime married 2 Dj's met in 2005,
they turned from 99/00 alone on the deck the windows
and played in various clubs in the north of germany.
Her flamboyant style of dub to groovy,deep techno
has brought several clubs in the north.
They decided to band together after a short time as an artist-duo
and called the DJ-duo "TONTRAUMA" to life.
Organizers of the event series "Night Shift SESSION"
In northern Germany, which is still active
and one of the electronic events in the district.
Now they started their own projects and working on live-sets
and especially the female side of TONTRAUMA (Kartika)
producing their own tracks.
The first tracks are released on Beatport
and was not the last .

If you like the tracks, please play them and chart them, Send us your tracks/EPs at: thanks!
