"We were left to tell the tale of how the world forgot emotion." -Azrael It was the best times of our lives! Our music was a way of reaching out to the world and sharing our musical talents and abilities. We grew as a family that couldn't be separated. The members of the band interacted with each other and their audiences as one unique, passionate, and expressive family. Azrael experienced every emotion that has ever existed, and supported each other throughout life's ups and downs. Azrael toured the east coast from New Jersey to Virginia during the late '90's and early 2000's. Throughout their tour, the members of Azrael enjoyed sharing their music with all walks of life. Azrael would like to thank all listeners and fans for their support through the years and for the years to come, and is pleased to continue sharing this musical legacy with the world at large. Lastly, Azrael's singer/songwriter, James Timothy Connor, would like it to be known that this album will continue to serve as a beautiful reminder of the loving friendships and musical talents shared with him and others by Neil Webster and Keith Boppell, and his wish is that the brightness of Neil and Keith's lives would always be remembered through this music!