Mystery Man
Mystery Man Digital World Premiere 2014
Special Thanks
Universal Music Group Mastering Division for being apart of my Newly Released
Single.. Mystery Man..The Song has its own mystique and brings together Club with
pop..Forever longing for someone the listener will experience Sexy, Edgy Lyrics with
Ambiguous meanings..In the Trac you hear instruments that say [“Attention”] listen close
to the highs and dark overtones to the song that Simply Become Explanatory with the words
Possible Romantic Encounter can bring two together and entwine and entangle them in something
Incredible..I like to thank Team Zanna my family who has had my back since Day 1.
Jezal_Calabrese, Red, Mr. Gilbert Leon Wheeler, [my father, and my bestfriend], my mom Nancy Passick[gave me life and inspiration to never give up.... I come from a father
who is a Singer Songwriter and a mother who is also a Composer...My Producer and BFF
Anthony Boyd, [Ultimate Sounds], we create music that stimulates the imaginaton, unique and attention getting so Stay Tuned for upcoming Album and Video...MY Passion is Forever Music..Follow me on Instagram [Zanna Kristal] Twitter Zanna_Kristal.. and face book Zanna Krisz...