Denny Lee Sings Gospel

Denny Lee Sings Gospel

Denny Lee has been writing and performing Gospel for a lot of years.
Writing about God and his glorious works has always been close to his heart.
Religions may come and go but the word of God will stand till the end of time.
Denny wrote in one of his songs “God Is The Same”, today, tomorrow and
forever and no one will never change that.
Denny’s love for God is felt through his writings. Denny has a great
love for the Supreme Being. Denny believes that someday man will eventually
love instead of condemn his fellow man. Denny also believes that those who
believe will receive. He says; “Maybe not in this world, but definitely in the next
world. The wicked shall not inherit the earth, you can bet on that.”
When asked about his wife who is in a nursing home because of a
disease known as Multiple Sclerosis, (MS) and then with the conviction of his
son by Law Enforcement how he can possibly still think there is a God, he
simply states that he believes evil is not always p
