Thoughts of a Single Black Woman

Thoughts of a Single Black Woman

If there is one word to describe this person it would have to be versatility. Born and raised in New York, She never knew what God had in store for her. She began singing at the age of six years old. Her grandmother always said that Yvonne would stand in front of the television every time a musical commercial, video, or broadcasting would appear and just sing. She is very much influenced by Mariah Carey, Whitney Houston, Etta James, Anita Baker, Christina Aguilera, Alicia Keys and Beyounce in regards to stage presence, vocal range, and writing skills. Yvonne and her family had moved throughout the states so many times, that she never really developed long term friends. As a result, writing poetry and transforming them into songs had become her inspiration / friend. Yvonne at the age of ten years old entered into the world of lyrics. Her father believed that education was the most important aspect of society. So instead of auditioning for television shows, commercials, and Broadway productions, she auditioned for just about every local event planned. She performed min many talent shows, ceremonies, street festivals, plays, and fundraisers at a young age. Extremely open-minded and very experimental, she even played the alto-saxophone for a year achieving an amazing challenge of performing the theme anthem of Superman.

Moving forward, Yvonne attended Yonkers High School. Her father always told her," If you want to be the best, you will have to learn how to balance all parts of your life. With your priorities being your main focus." So while joggling rigorous courses and maintaining a part-time job, artistically she took over Yonkers High School. She was in every winter/ spring concert, talent show, international gala, peep rally, and hosting other events. She went on to become the editor of the high school newspaper, photo director of the literary magazine, a cheerleader, and the voice of the national anthem at every school event that requested it. As a final act in the high school choir, she became a part of a group called Harmony. This group was made up of herself, Jaclyn Dorso, and Britney Jones. The first step team in Yonkers High School was founded and controlled by Yvonne as a tribute to the school in her senior year. Yvonne achieved one of her biggest dreams when she was given the opportunity to sing the national anthem at her high school graduation.

At present time, she is a student at Monroe College persuading a degree in business administration as backup support for her singing career. Stronger and more confident than ever she will not stop until she has completed every goal in her heart. Not only does she sing, but is also a dancer and actress. She has taught step dance, beginner street dance, and hip hop jazz at Yonkers Middle School, Newburgh Children’s Program, Mortifier Gardens, Montiforie Program Center, and Peter Chema Community Center. Currently, Yvonne teaches at her artistic camp ground known as Youth Theater Interactions. She also has acted in various places as far as upper Westchester County with Intimate Realities, a company which focuses on topics of teen awareness, respect, and strong message of society.

Yvonne has also performed in places such as Club Pure, The Sugar Bar, The Village Underground, Mango’s, Lehman College, Monroe College, fashion shows, ceremonies, public events, The Carnival Cruz, and a television production called The Industry produced by Tracy Thompson.

Yvonne understands that in life there is an order. An order which is controlled by something greater than the universe. This is why she remains humble and grateful for every blessing and tribulation in her life. She believes that the Lord would not have given her such abilities if he did not feel it was meant for her. She agrees that it is her life but also a higher purpose which is vaguely recognizable until the day of her perish. She state, "Sometimes I sit in my room and I will write a song within ten minutes. Afterwards, I sing it back to myself and it will be the message I needed to get me through the day. If I could help one person with these words as I do with myself, than I have achieved what I was meant to do. What I mean is that we have to know that we are just puzzle pieces collaborated into one centrifugal motion set out to be a blessing in one another life. Currently, Yvonne became a new addition to Most Hated Entertainment established by CEO Superior. Knowing that she has what it takes, Superior who who executely produced her first mix c.d and d.v.d entitled," Thoughts of a Single Black Woman," as a beginning step to reaching stardom. There are many other projects in preparation for the future. Yvonne as accomplished much however she is far from being finished. For that reason staying focused, determined, optimistic, versatile, humble, and open-minded to education is not just a moment trend, it's her way of life.
