Matches & Gasoline

Matches & Gasoline

The story so far is simple. Young kid growing up in northern California, loves rock music, particularly the singer-songwriters, starts playing in high school, has moderate success with his first pro band, decides there can be more. Hooks up with a guy who can produce, co-write, promote, etc. Ready to take on the music world. That is Thom Chacon's story as we enter 2003. But that's not all there is, because Thom is a special talent who has just begun to show the eventual impact his songwriting and performing abilities will have on his future.

"Music is my life," Thom explains, "so it's understandable that I write songs about life - mine and those I have seen around me." He is a storyteller, a raconteur, and every song he writes, every song on his debut CD, Matches & Gasoline, tells a story so personal, so real, that anyone who hears it will undoubtedly find something of themselves in it. That is a true songwriter. His songs tell a story of the life he sees all around him.

Whether he is describing the images and thoughts during a dream as in "Pedestrian", or going more global, discussing the human condition in "Murder", or even more personal as in "Maybe" which, in Thom's own words describes " most serious relationship summed up in 4 minutes ...", Thom blends meaningful lyrics with smooth vocals delivered in the middle of pop melodies to create a CD of radio friendly rock.

In the 1960's, rock and roll became important because our idols wrote important songs. When The Beatles told us "All You Need Is Love", we tried to create a world of love. When Bob Dylan and Neil Young, raised our consciousness not through drugs but through their songs, we learned that popular music is really music of, by and for the people. In the tradition of the great singer/songwriters, Thom Chacon brings a social conscience and global awareness to pop songs that everyone can understand and enjoy.

"Maybe I'm different than my idols because I don't write songs to try to change the world," Thom admits. "But I do hope that the songs I write will mean something to the people that hear them. I think what I'm really trying to do is to relate to the audience - help them see something in their own lives when they listen to me sing about what I see in mine. That's what music is supposed to be about, the audience and the artist relating to one another through the music."

Thom Chacon writes songs for the ages, and he performs them with a passion that reaches across the stage or through the CD player into the minds of those who are listening. Thom Chacon is a pure singer and songwriter standing on the verge of a promising and important musical career.

For more information please contact Perry A. Margouleff at PIE Records. (516)-674-3300
