

Ranked #3 on top albums of 2013 by Brutal Resonance with a score of 9.5
"... IIOIOIOII seem to have come out of nowhere and just shook the floor beneath me shocking me with this release. I mean, within just a month, there has been much buzz going around about the solo project and the man behind it, Christopher Gurney, but there's damn good reason for that..."

"Shut out the world without and immerse yourself, lie back in the low lit room and index these ten songs precisely. This one has a penchant for inserting little details here and there in what he’s doing which I’ve grown accustomed to from only one other, Vince Clark. However, while that one’s made a very successful career out of pop music, Chris is only pausing to take in the view. Believe me, his vocals aren’t all wistful and pretty throughout the length of “Sun”, there’s still a lot of anger in some of these creations but it’s fading. The burning quest to understand one’s self could not have been nailed down any more definitively, and it’s mighty ca
