Deja Visite

Deja Visite


Deja Visite incorporates the earliest songwriting of Ace Elijah. The whole album was recorded, for the most part, within the first two takes and was done so in a live organic environment. This is the first album by Ace Elijah.

Before you ask the question Ace is no nickname, AKA or for that matter stage-name. Born on the auspicious and inspirational date of 11/11/88 in the City of Angels and raised in a peripatetic music business family he traveled his early years from one global recording center to another accompanying his legendary record-producer father Richard James Burgess and his stunningly beautiful mother, Constance, co-owner of one of the influential and earliest NYC hiphop labels Emergency Records. When the school years came the family settled in London, birthplace of his father and younger brother Blaze, but in the nineties, before radio died, music inexorably pulled the family back to the US, this time the east coast. Ace did his homework whilst listen
