

Born in Rome, Alex Giordani is a talented songwriter, a gifted singer and musician, so he writes, sings and plays his songs, defining his music as "Pop-Rock with an Orchestral touch".
“There are many ways to tell a story” and Alex does it skillfully through his songs where he captures feelings, details and moments of real life that we all can relate to.
With his extensive on-stage experience, Alex has built a solid following due to his great voice and passionate live performances. This growing success has encouraged him to record professionally his home-produced songs. He has released his debut album "Essence" now available in stores.

Why Essence?
Essence is a personal diary, made of words and music,
its pages tell thoughts, experiences, dreams, feelings and emotions...
small freeze frames of life, real people and imaginary worlds...
it's the beginning of a journey, it's the search for hard to find answers,
it's the belief that a song can be more than just four minutes of sounds and vocals,
that for someone it can become part of their world,
that in some way art can be a way of "salvation" ....
it's the wish of not being afraid to expose ourselves,
to imagine how it feels when you're wind and you're rain,
it’s the simplicity of having your feet on the ground and your arms in the sky
