

I couldn't get this tune out of my head so I sat down at my keyboard. As I began to find the chords from the music that begged to be written, I started to think about all the beautiful women in my, sistah/friends, clients...and the relationships that caused so many of them pain. I thought about their dedication and faithfulness...about how they had given their all, sometimes to the point of losing important parts to their own puzzles. The lyrics beagn to flow and about 10min later, "Beautiful" was written. Taking on a persona all her own, "Beautiful" speaks of loving hard, losing big, then finding the glorious prize already claimed, that had somehow gotten buried deep within. Discovering that one can never rely on another to determine their worth, "Beautiful" implores you to go ahead, cry if you're hurt, but right after that, remember who you are. A creature beautifully and wonderfully made, deserving of the very love you so freely give. Allow "Beautiful" to take you away. Laugh, cry, contemplat


