Shakespeare for Shepherds

Shakespeare for Shepherds

Shakespeare for Shepherds is Cumbrian actorTim Barker’s take on some of Shakespeare’s plots turned into dialect poems. The result is daft, funny and illuminating. The original cassette has even been used by English teachers to stimulate interest in the Bard.
The new, freshly recorded CD will feature additional poems, generally composed while Tim was touring Britain and abroad as an actor in the plays in question.

Also look at our CD - Songs of Cumbria sung by Craig Duggan, which is a collection of traditional and contemporary songs by Cumbrians and about Cumbria. There are love songs, tragedies, celebrations of the old way of life and some wry looks at how new ways have affected the county and its people.

Tim Barker also has a New Book on Cumbrian dialect

“Whatt Fettle, Mun!” which takes a light-hearted look at dialect and other distinctive Cumbrian places, people and stuff.
