Howling Monk

Howling Monk

Dale Fielder Group/Force
Clarion Jazz 80303

Howling Monk by the Dale Fielder Group/Force is Dale Fielder’s 8th recording. It very well may prove to become an historic release. There is much to like on this disc: the telepathic interplay of the four Group/Force members (there’s nothing like a band that stays together); the exciting collection of jazz classics and new originals; the introduction of a major new voice on that much loved, but often neglected instrument - the baritone saxophone; the documentation of one of the few saxophonists in jazz who actually plays all four saxophones not as mere doubles, but with an individual voice on all four horns; and the further blossoming of a major new piano talent in young Danny Grissett, a young man destined to do great things in jazz. All in all, the listener will truly feel that she or he, has gotten their money’s worth in purchasing this new disc.

From the very first cut, "Ad Astra", one is immediately struck by the feeling of familiarity and newne
