

Mark Tedder is a worship songwriter and has composed worship songs that are being sung in nations around the world. Tedder and his wife, Carrie have been circling the globe for 25+ years, encouraging the 'local' church, equipping worship leaders, mobilizing musicians, and working alongside worship teams from Beijing to Bangkok, Reykjavik to Cairo and Madras to Lhasa...Some of Tedder's best songs - Be Still; We Are The People Of God; Become What You Believe; There Is A Place; I Believe - are songs that have been translated for use in the local church.
Mission is at the heart of Tedder's writing and is expressed through his lyrics and leadership. Tedder's latest project "Atmosphere" is a collection of 4 new/fresh worship tracks that have a totally different spin on worship music. Co-written by Jordan Riley (UK), Brad Nyght and Chad Carouthers (USA), these 4 songs will take you on a journey to better understand the presence of God and the places He will take us if we just believe.
