Jury's Out #1

Jury's Out #1 "Pop"

Juri's CD Review

By Justin M. Kantor (justinkantor@hotmail.com)
is a New York-based freelance writer. His writings have appeared in DMA, All-Music Guide, and The Hip Key.

Blending crisp keys with oceanic strings and unique vocals,
Berklee pianist/vocalist Juri's seven-songs debut is impressive in its consolidation of elements from many styles into a form that stands out on its own. There's a peace and serenity that surrounds the numbers, from the passionate "You Gotta Hold Me Tight" to the inspiring " The Way". On the former , the strings of Ivetta Minkina,Ingmar Suberkrub,Irina Chirkova,and Matt Ambrose juxtapose a Celtic vibe with the tune's soulful foundation. On the later, the merging of Juri's lead lines with ad-libs courtesy of Chrissi Poland and Kevin Wood has a blazing effect.
In this instance and every other on the Jury's out, the absence of distracting drum machines and grooves that dominate most mainstream pop is blessing, allowing the listener to fully soak in the full personality of the pi
