Lava Dome (Explicit)

Lava Dome (Explicit)

Biography of VOXX

What Would Happen If you Crossed Ozzy, Gene Simmons, with LL Cool J?
The answer is:
A unique brand of Hip Hop and Rock blended together in a NEW style.
Horror Core
Purchasing the album is compared to a ticket buy to your favorite horror film, just on wax. Delivering vivid word pictures, harmonic terror, twists and turns that explore the many branches of Hip Hop. Voxx is not afraid to try anything with music, as he states in his own words;

“There is no right and wrong in artistry”

Voxx is difficult to fit in any ONE genre. But, hard is just the way, Voxx likes it. Born is the innovative sound of Hip Hop, Electronica, Rock & Soul.

Get ready for music that creeps up from behind you like Jason from Friday the 13th, and listen as it splits your imagination into an opera of darkness.

VOXX (Vox) n. Voice Activated Crossover
