Blessed Day

Blessed Day

Born in Houston Texas, Jonah"Steven Benson was always inspired to rap and do poetry, because he always drew people in with his gift, but the message wasn't always in a Gospel message. The young man would began to see signs and feel guilty performing in clubs and writing music that promoted drug use, demoting women and help in misleading the youth further away from a Positive and Christian life style. Then one night he eplains he had a dream that He was in hell and God showed him a line of people that looked up to him that he misled with his music, because it was a gift in his music that drew people in. In the dream He was told by God, " You will make it in music, but you have to choose, either you will lead many to Me or you'll lead them to Hell! Wow; (no pressure God right)? Well this dream inspired him to try to do one gospel song in the studio to see if it was really a call from God, or just too many nachos before bed. The song end up playing on radio stations and has touched so many people that he received confirmation that he was sent to create music that encourages, gives hope, and that heals. It's actually as if the music has a form of power in it that, as soon as you hear it, ...your heart feels better. Introducing "Jonah"


