D.C. Direct

D.C. Direct

D.C. Direct is a collection of soothing smooth jazz and soft rock instrumentals by Sax and piano duo Another Dave.

It includes a haunting rendition of Amazing Grace, sultry yet passionate explorations of "The Summer Knows," and "My Heart Will Go On," as well as a swinging version of "Speak Softly Love," from the Godfather. This CD is a blend of New Age, Folk, swing, and smooth jazz, and includes a live 11-minute improvisation with soprano sax, piano & guitar.

Another Dave features David Cudo on Soprano and Alto Saxophones, Suzannah Doyle on piano and synths, and guest artists including Warren Zaeger on Bass, Daniel Mahoney on guitar, Steven Cudo on Trumpet, Lyris Cooper on clarinet, and Clay Smith on guitar.

Another Dave has two albums out, and played by invitation at the White House in Washington D.C.
