Tragedy to Triumph: Obstacles of a Winner

Tragedy to Triumph: Obstacles of a Winner

#‎Barz‬ ‪#‎Concept‬ ‪#‎Creativity‬ ‪#‎production‬ and ‪#‎unity‬ is what you gone get from the ‪#‎TragedyToTriumph‬ album by my boy Aaron Swift the album is nuts ... it will make you fall in love with Hiphop again

Tragedy to Triumph Double CD.. goes ridiculously hard...I haven't been able to let a disc bump without skipping through songs in years..#CopeThis#LegalDope#RealHipHopLives

Guess who got it!!!!! I'm loving this. An I.E. Classic. One of the best to do it out here. Fire!!!!!


