Wishful Thinking

Wishful Thinking


G.Thomas lives in Kristiansand,but was born in northern Norway Bodø,actually started his career as a country artist in the United States in 1979. Still in school, he discovered and "voiced" his interest in country music "over there". His first performance was at the "Claimjumper" in Park City , Utah.
On numerous occasions over the past years , G.Thomas has returned to the U.S. recorded two albums and performed as a guest artist in the states of Utah, California, Louisiana, Tennessee, Colorado, Montana, Kentucky and Texas. He has gained a lot of experience and inspiration from working with highly gifted professional musicians and artists over there. During his visits to the U.S., and particularly Nashville over the years, G.Thomas has established good connections with several influential song writers . Most of the material included on the 9 albums released by G.Thomas so far, are from this source . G.Thomas himself is also stepping into the songwrithing world. " Originality is crucial ", says one o
