Ready 2 Love U

Ready 2 Love U

Relationship Status:
About Me:
Dwayne Coleman is a young MUSICIAN / SONGWRITER / VOCALIST / PRODUCER / PERFORMER who has integrated a variety of urban rhythms and contemporary ballads to create a fresh approach to Gospel Music with Ministry appeal. He is a highly gifted & talented keyboardist who excels in the midst of live performances and has been called “a singer’s singer” by many professionals yet he remains humble. He is a man of God who sings with intensity, sincerity, and with Devine purpose. Dwayne is truly committed to excellence and has a deep burden to touch the world.

On August 7, 2001 Dwayne was requested and flown by the SONY/EPIC MUSIC GROUP to visit the New York office. Mr.Dave Mc Phearson, Vice President of the Sony/Epic Music Group, New York, NY was very touched by him, and after hearing him sing said: “how can anyone hear Dwayne Coleman sing and not be deeply moved to tears”.
Favorite Music:
gospel, Inspirational, love songs that pertain to life relationship
