Clouds In Cathedrals
The ninth offering from the 'tornado fingered Texan' spans a wide range of subjects. A tribute to the voyager spacecraft provides a somber opening to this eclectic ten track amalgum. Love rears its ugly side from time to time and death visits just as assuredly as it always does. There are portents of God coming to clean the yard and poignant visits to subjects that cannot be forgotten. There are also a couple of instrumentals to fly away with, a surfers tale of lost love, and finally a fall away into the saddest depths of humaness.
"I have many, many muses. They inspire me to create. Without them, my imagination would only have reality to play with. My imagination loves to play!"
Jose' Diaz
Being a typical DIY artist, it took me quite a long time to finish this album. I do this without a budget and without any help from the outside world except for the occasional critique from my main muse, Glenda. The artwork was the hardest task to complete as I had the main idea clearly in mental focus, but no s