Bay Area Gospel Playlist
The Bay Area Gospel Playlist album consists of all original worship compositions and six vocalists who are actively ministering in the San Francisco Bay Area. This album delivers a variety of music styles ranging from traditional Black Gospel (i.e. God's Got it and You are Worthy) to Christian Jazz (i.e. It's You) to Contemporary Christian (i.e. Because You're Worthy and How I Love You Lord) and more. Singer Songwriter J. Joy has a unique style that is hard to describe where her songs are like poems put to soulful music (i.e. Compassionate Father and Thy Name is Great). TWO Records has prayerfully pulled together a group of talented producers, vocalists, songwriters, and musicians that deliver a sincere worship experience. The album is like a playlist you will want to worship with over and over again. We honored the Lord by recording at a professional studio with legendary engineers as well as had the tracks mixed and mastered by the best in the industry. This is all for His Glory! Be Blessed.....