Street Edition Volumes 1&2

Street Edition Volumes 1&2


"AKIR" (Source Magazine's Unsigned Hype)
signs contract with Viper Records (
to Release the long awaited album, "Legacy"

Maybe it was the first concert he saw (Run DMC and the Fat Boys) or the first album he owned (Public Enemy) that sparked his creative flame for hip-hop. But it was the turmoil of his early surroundings and his life's struggles that ignited his hunger to develop into the artist "A.K.I.R." The acronym and the promise to Always Keep It Real, gave him a name and a prophecy to live by. AKIR grew up throughout New York City, DC, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Atlanta, and Maryland. The harsh realities of becoming a black man in today's world would prove to be a main catalyst. "They say that we're endangered species/ AKIR's thesis/ Is to survive 10x's 10/ not in a 10 by 10/10 times out of 10/ they got a plan for my hard rocks to have not/ have babies and start again..." THIS IS YOUR LIFE.

AKIR first entered the hip-hop scene as an on-air pe
