The Believer (Explicit)
Recording artist Marcus Howard also known as ''ONEIL'' presents a relevant message to the Body of Christ through Christian Rap/Gospel Hip Hop. As a musician, producer, ONEIL'S vision is to reach people through the genre of Christian Rap/ Gospel Hip Hop. Marcus Howard is a southern boy who was raised in the rural area of Alexandria, Alabama. Marcus Howard has also performed at the ''Music City Praise'' concert in Nashville,TN where music Christian Artist Canton Jones hosted for the youth. Teresa Hannah Co-host of the Nashville Gospel with Bobby Jones, and ''Capitol Management Group'' with CEO. Robert Metzgar the legend country producer was one of the leaders responsible for making Marcus Howard's goals possible: special thanks to Capitol Management Group and Robert Metzgar Teresa Hannah and family for making it possible. If your looking for an uplifting message with a powerful sound you need to further enhance your mind and soul to the truth of his maker Jesus Christ!!!