

Defined in the Oxford Dictionaries as „a state of being pleasantly lost in one's thoughts; a daydream“. In the context of the album it is also a magical state, cast upon humans by the elves in order to lead them into their cities in the rock formations of Iceland. A few songs detail such encounters, but others are simply meant to transport us into this wonderful state of Reverie.
I am very happy to be able to share with you this collection of Icelandic Art Songs.
Moving back to Iceland after working in Germany, I really wanted to record Icelandic songs. The choice was relatively easy. The album features quite a few songs from my two favorite composers, Sigvaldi Kaldalóns and Árni Thorsteinsson. I wanted to showcase the most popular and also other great but less known gems of our repertoir, and I think with this album my dream has been realized. I also wanted to showcase some current Icelandic composers, and am very lucky to be able to present to you two, never before recorded son


