Acoustic Lullabies to Soothe the Soul

Acoustic Lullabies to Soothe the Soul

Acoustic Lullabies to Soothe the Soul is the first album release from the UK company, Lullaby Babies.

The album features some well-known lullaby classics such as Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and Rock-a-bye Baby. However, it also includes some lesser-known gems such as the ancient Irish folk song, The Castle of Dromore, which was originally used for lulling a child to sleep with a prayer for safety against the wild weather.

The owner of Lullaby Babies, Richard Jenkinson Dip.mus, Bsc(Hons) devoted months of hard work into sourcing, arranging and recording the ten lullabies that he considered to be the world\'s finest. Drawing on his years of experience in the music business he arranged and performed every song on the album. He played every instrument and sang every lyric. He explains:

\"After I spent so long hand-picking the collection, I had a very precise idea of how I wanted each song to sound. The only way to ensure this sound was achieved was to invest the time in performing every instrument myself. I wanted each song to be soothing and comforting for babies but to have a certain class and elegance that would be appealing to adults. I had an image of parents curling up on the sofa with their baby in the cot next to them, all three listening to the CD and drifting into a peaceful sleep.\"

Richard explains that he accomplished the sound he was looking for by re-writing the originals and performing them on acoustic instruments. He feels this has also helped bring them into the modern age whilst retaining their classic essence. To add the finishing touch he even changed a few lines of the lyrics. In Rock-a-bye Baby for example, he changed the last line to read, “And we\'ll be there to catch baby and all.” He did this to produce a much nicer sentiment than was present in the original.

Richard also has a strong background in the sciences and used his unique skill-set to recorded the lullabies in accordance with the known theories about what components (rhythm, timing, pitch etc.) were most effective at safely helping to aid a baby\'s sleeping patterns.

The resulting album is a beautiful collection that can be a Godsend at bedtime. Richard is quick to point out that lullabies do not instantly put every baby to sleep every single time, but they definitely can help. He warns of the potential dangers of any product, audio or otherwise, that is powerful enough to induce sleeping every time because babies have essential night-time needs that should never be suppressed. “Lullabies,” he insists, “remain one of the only safe but effective ways of helping babies sleep.”

The album also comes with a bonus track, \'Sounds from the Womb\' which many newborns find comforting.

Delicate little ears should be nourished with high quality, comforting music so order today and treat your baby to a dose of, Acoustic Lullabies to Soothe the Soul.
