Cowboys and Indians

Cowboys and Indians

For the past six years, Johnny Maddox has spent his summers in the old-west town of Durango, Colorado. Durango is a town close to the heart of the Old West. It has Indians from the neighboring Navajo nations, and cowboys from the local ranches. In honor of the these spirits of the West, Johnny plays piano solos in a program of Cowboy and Indian songs, with a tango, some flappers, and an extra waltz thrown in for slow dancing.

This CD is part of a three CD set of Johnny's solo sessions: Back Home in Tennessee, Cowboys and Indians and Where the Southern Crosses the Yellow Dog. Each CD includes a 16-page booklet featuring full color reproductions of original artwork covers of the featured songs along with histories, backgrounds and stories on each song.

Johnny Maddox was already America's number one jukebox artist when in 1954 he recorded the first all-piano record in history, "The Crazy Otto Medley". It spent 14 weeks at the top of the charts, and became the first ragtime record to sell over 1,000,000
