Time for Change

Time for Change

Songwriting team- Guy James & Kenny Rebstock brings you a song influenced by Bob Dylan and his lyrical/musical expressions of the times. Quote from Guy James- "I had just read Dylan's autobiography 'Chronicles: Volume 1', and it was a great read, and I was cognizant of Dylan's capturing feelings of the time he was in. Thinking of that, I thought 'Time For A Change' was a good expression for what was taking place in our current times, so I started writing accordingly!". This music has a very unique style to it as it follows a minimalist approach focusing on good music & lyrics acoustically. Guy James is an improvisational lead style guitar player/singer/songwriter & really enjoys making musical statements- music to "Time For Change" is composed by him. Kenny Rebstock is a lyric writer & this was a lyric writing collaboration- lyrics written by Guy James & Kenny Rebstock. This has a unique sound of acoustic guitar & 'electric blues style lead' highlighting the end of the song, with all music & vocals played


