YANTRA de VILDER MA. Cont. Music
Yantra de Vilder writes music for film, radio, theatre, dance, and multi-media events. Her skills encompass conducting, performance, composing and musical direction.
The Sydney Opera House, Adelaide Festival Centre, Melbourne's Universal Theatre and Canberra's Playhouse Theatre have all been graced with Yantra's original music.
Yantra's successes include her film score for David Bradbury's "The Last Whale", incorporating the music of Yothu Yindi, John Farnham, Olivia Newton John and Midnight Oil. Her versatility ranges from conducting the 700-piece Combined Churches Choir for Handel's "The Messiah", to composing the music for the Festival of Sydney's multi-media performance of "Holographic Tendencies" at the Sydney Opera House.
EMI Music, Castle Music, Peers Southern and Fable Music have enjoyed the rewards of her recording and publishing contracts. The Australia Council and The Ministry of the Arts have recognised Yantra's unique talent and awarded grants in support of her music.
She was nominated for Song of the Year and Best Instrumental Composition by the North Coast Music Industry, and won the Event of The Year Award for her music in the The Victory in the Pacific closing ceremony.
Yantra draws inspiration from the elemental forces of nature.
"Reflections is a special project for me as it captures the spirit of a moment in time as a recording.The act of improvisation for me, is one of the purest ways to experience a 3 way communion with the music,the other players and the listener ,for it is impelled by a discipline of adhering to the pre requisites of a condition of here and now. To me this is true meditation. Where one can be so absorbed in the process of listening to the tune of the heart, that there is no room for judgement and pre conditioned notions of what is right and wrong. All too often, those of us who make a career and study of music, can become weighed down by the baggage of analysis and rules. My intention with " Reflections" is to create a work that is a soothing balm in these interesting times of great turbulence."
Yantra de Vilder