What Do You Smell like?

What Do You Smell like?

“What Do You Smell Like?” is Jeff’s first CD for children’s church. While leading Kid’s worship at First Baptist Church of Conyers, Georgia Jeff has been inspired to pen his thoughts and set them to music for kids. Are you praising God all week or just on Sunday? We’ll find out in the song “What Do You Smell Like?” Create your very own praise song and honor God with “Thank You Lord”. God made us all special and we’ll sing about it in “Me, Myself and I”. God always offers a way out of temptation and you’ll practice finding it in “Living for My Jesus”. Your life too noisy? Let’s clear that noise away so we can hear from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ with “Get Rid Of The Noise”. This CD is filled with impactful songs for kids to help them follow God and serve Christ. Jeff even put the “Kid’s Church Rules Song” on the CD for a friendly reminder of how to behave in children’s worship. Kid’s Rock!!

Have Jeff for a concert at your church. Contact www.bbfuzz.com.

Visit Jeff at the BB Fuzz Concert Hall & I Spy Museum located at 2212 Main Street, Porterdale, GA.

SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHERS: This CD is great for reinforcing Godly principles for your kids.

CHILDREN & YOUTH PASTORS: This CD work great to get your kids up and moving and thinking about the things of God.

Jeff is a former music teacher at East Newton Elementary located in Covington, Georgia. Jeff and his wife Angie along with their two kids own and operate the BB Fuzz Concert Hall and I Spy Museum located in Porterdale, GA. He holds degrees from the University of Georgia (Bachelor of Music-1989, Master of Music Education -1991) and Piedmont College (Education Specialist - 2003). Jeff is a National Board Certified Teacher (2003) in early and middle childhood music. Jeff was chosen as Newton County Teacher of the Year in 2003 and Covington News "Teacher of the Week" in 2006. His lesson plan "Rap It Up" was published by the Georgia Learning Connections (Georgia Dept. of Education) in 2004. He has been a worship leader at several local churches in Covington and is a founding member of DC318 (An outreach ministry to the youth of Newton County). Jeff is currently the Elementary & Preteen Worship Leader at FBC Conyers, GA and is a member of BMI an American performing rights organization.
