The Truth Within

The Truth Within

Orion's Belt The Truth Within

On their first release, Orion's Belt combine deep space aesthetics and more meditative, floaty ambient to offer a very satisfying aural journey indeed. The music often brings to mind space ambient sounds of artists like John Serrie and early Zero Ohms, but also effectively uses warming chorus pads and rhythms that bring to mind Steve Roach, Thom Brennan, and other established creators of deeply meditative musics.

Both Darren Rogers and Jim Brenholts approach their craft with an open heart and a keen ear. Specifically, they want to create very theatrical and somewhat sci-fi atmospheres--and, on this score, Rogers is a very talented man on the keys and his synth progressions consistently work. Likewise, Brenholts's enigmatic and strange field recorded sounds add just the right dose of mystery to Rogers more controlled layering.

This is not to say, that the The Truth Within--although its cover photograph of crop circles conveys an impression otherwise--fits easily into the sci
