Made in Kenya

Made in Kenya

Made in Kenya is the brand new album released by Kenyan Award winning singer/songwriter Dan Aceda. It is his 3rd studio album. and was released on the 1st of June by The African Bonfire an independent Record Label based in Nairobi.
released 01 June 2013
GUITARS: Tom Olango, Dave Otieno, Moses Odumbe, John Wainaina

BASS: Dan Aceda, Isaac Khakula, Koki Benjamin

DRUMS: Dan Aceda, Pascal Masika

KEYBOARDS: Dan Aceda, Gitura Kembi, Chris Adwar, Monica Obaga, Noel Anyasi, Kevin Njuguna, Kathy Kiragu, Victor Seii

SAXOPHONE: Jack Anduuru,

Produced by The African Bonfire. All Rights reserved.
