I&J is Yo' Pusha
In 1991, at Columbus (OH) East High School, in the late Coach Smith's class, a gentleman by the name of Richard Cunningham just asked me out of the blue "why don't I write a rap or something"? I did and it was as corny as any blackmail material could be. However, as a fan of this music I listened to it and was occasionally inspired to write more and more. Otis Sharpe (a.k.a. Da' Closer) was the first person to ever put me in a studio (along with Sherod), so I will always call him my "scout". From 1993-1995, in my opinion, my flow style was so nice, yet my lyrics were "wuss" (too soft). Thank God I never "blew up" from that stuff. I myself was too soft and the world would have eaten me alive, if I didn't blow my own brains out from the pressure first.
I met a gentleman by the name if Garry Brown (a.k.a. Golden Child) and we just happened to be only 7 days (I was born 4/21 and he was born 4/28) and less than a mile apart. We both had a respect for this music, to the point where we can talk for hours up