All Hell Can't Stop Us
“Courtney Love wishes she had half the talent of Cookie's Sabrina RockArena”
The Stranger
“Cookie play sexy muscle car rock, sleazy C&W dancing naked with glittery flash metal. They're like some kind of girl powered Supersuckers, roots rock gone all evil, like the devil in a calico dress. Sabrina RockArena's the best friend that you really, really want to make out with, the cool chick that can get you into and thrown out of, every swinging joint in town . . ”
New York Waste
“Chaotic, beer-soaked, wicked rock 'n roll your parents wouldn't approve of, Cookie is anything but an after school treat. They're head-splitting, guitar fueled rocking machines, speeding down the highway at 110mph forcing you to either jump in the car or get run over. They crank out damn good nuggets of rock, put on a damn good show and make you want to piss yourself because you're so drunk but don't want to miss a thing. In short, they're what rock 'n roll should embody but hasn't in quite some time.”
In Music We Trust, Alex Stei